Our Brains Run on Glucose.

Our brains run on glucose.  Every cell in our body needs glucose to survive.  Without glucose we can’t think, move, breathe, or live.  Our brains run on glucose, and without it they shrink.  I remember science used to know this when I was a kid.  However, over the past twenty years the high fat / high protein diet trends have been all the craze.  They keep getting renamed and repackaged for each new generation of people becoming interested in health.

High fat may be helpful for someone with not a lot of symptoms, who isn’t really that sick, to get them off of fast-food, and the standard American, processed diet.  It may help them to clean up their diets a little, get off of bad carbs and fried fats, and they may think it’s the answer to health.  However, for the people who’ve been around the block, who’ve suffered with chronic illness for decades, tried everything in conventional and alternative medicine, and suffered at the hands of man-made theories and industry-driven trends, we know better.  I can say that because of the indescribable suffering that I’ve endured, and the living hell that I climbed out of, and I want to help you climb out too!

The high fat / high protein trend is DISASTROUS for mental health long-term (both for us individually and as a society).  Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Our brains run on glucose:  in order to be healthy and thrive our brains need an ample supply of healthy carbs.  High fat in the bloodstream blocks the sugar from getting to where it needs to go in our brain, liver, and cells.
  • Heavy metal oxidizes in the body:  toxic heavy metal deposits in the body oxidize and run-off into nearby tissue when they come into contact with fat.  This causes further damage and causes illnesses to worsen over time.
  • Insulin-resistance and blood sugar issues:  when fat is eaten with sugar or in the proximity of sugar (as it usually is), the fat thickens the blood and prevents the sugar from entering the cells, which leads to insulin-resistance and blood sugar issues.  These blood sugar instabilities can contribute to mood swings and mood issues.
  • Adrenaline is caustic to the body:  when we eat high-fat our body has to release adrenaline to help thin our blood and disperse the fat to protect our heart and brain.  The liver then has to soak-up this excess adrenaline to protect us.  This weakens the liver which is already overburdened by viruses, heavy metals, and industrial chemicals that are making us sick.
  • Pathogens thrive in low-oxygen environments:  when we eat high fat diets that thicken our blood, it lowers oxygen levels which allows pathogens such as viruses to thrive and strengthen, while weakening our own immune system and contributing to disease.  Along with lowered glucose, this causes our brains to shrink.
  • Not enough room for nutrients:  when we eat high fat (and remember, high protein IS high fat) it takes up room in our digestive systems.  It takes up too much space and there’s not enough room for the ample amounts of nutrients that we need from fruits and vegetables.  In today’s world, where we’re up against aggressive mutations of viruses, chemical toxins like never before, and loads of stress, we need more, much more, of the nutrients, anti-oxidants, glucose, minerals, and living water that are in found in live foods.

When people discover “health” information that they think is great and are excited about, it’s natural to share it and promote it and try to build a brand off it.  I’m guilty of this myself.  I’ve promoted things like fish oil in the past before I knew better (all fish oil contains a homeopathic form of mercury, no matter how clean it is).  The key is to learn and grow and recognize when we’ve been mistaken, and to move forward towards the truth.

The Medical Medium information is the only source of health information that knows the true cause of why people are sick.  That’s why it works.  It comes from a pure, clean source that’s above us, Spirit of the Most High (also called Spirit of Compassion).  All other information is either mis-information or mixed information (some truth contaminated with falsehoods).  It’s not people’s fault.  Doctors, practitioners, and health gurus want people to get better.  But how can they know how to get people better if they don’t know the true cause of our suffering?

We all have to become our own health experts and discern for ourselves what to believe.  This is not superficial, flashy information that you can just glimpse at and move on.  I’ve spent thousands of hours over the past five years studying the Medical Medium books, listening to the podcast, and re-listening to the audio books.  I’ve applied the information and put it into practice every day.  We have to put in the work.  We have to take the time and energy to read the books, and then prepare the food and healing tools.  We have to persist at it until we heal.

Just lowering our fat intake isn’t enough.  We have to replenish our mineral salts and restore our nervous system with the celery juice.  We have to get the heavy metals out of our brain and liver with the Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie.  We have to get ample amounts of glucose from fruit and starchy vegetables (like potatoes and squash) to restore our glycogen (compressed glucose) reserves in our brain and liver.  This is what protects us from pathogens and toxins, stress and trauma, and the challenges of life.  We have to learn the tools and information from the true source, the originator of this information.

I wish you the very best on your healing journey.  I know it’s not easy.  But now you know that healing is possible.  I didn’t know that when I started.  I had to burn up a lot of my precious life before learning this information, and I don’t want you to have to go through that.  I want to save you from some suffering and some hardship.  God bless you!

“Listen to advice and accept instruction,
that you may gain wisdom in the future.
Many are the plans in the mind of a man,
but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”

Proverbs 19:20-21 (ESV)

Mental Illness and Sin.

I recently read a couple of posts online about certain Christian communities telling people with mental illness that it is caused by sin.  I was aghast.  In my mind, blaming people for their suffering shows very little understanding of the message of Christ.

In the book of Job, the upright and righteous man Job, who obeyed all of God’s commandments, was met with grievous losses.  Everything is taken away from him: his family, his home, his possessions, and eventually his health.  His ignorant, and yet well-intention-ed friends, try to tell him that it was because he did not walk with God.  “Is not your wickedness great? Are not your sins endless?” (Job 22:5 NIV).  They don’t understand his experience, because they haven’t been through it.  At the end, God answers Job and says:  “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?” (Job 38:2 ESV).  Eventually Job gets his life back.

When the religious Jews are questioning and rebuking the man who was blind since birth that Jesus healed (people used to think that illness was caused by our own sin), the religious Jews said “Give glory to God. We know that this man is a sinner.” (John 9:24 ESV).  When, “his disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ Jesus answered, ‘It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.'” (John 9:3 ESV).

Mental illness is not caused by our own sin.  It is not our fault.  Most people I’ve met with chronic illness are the kindest, most compassionate, most spiritually evolved people ever.  There are real reasons why people are sick.  There are physical causes that we did not create, and that we are not responsible for.  Industries created the pathogens and toxins that are making us sick (yes, the devil plays dirty).  Hiding our head in the sand, having medical denial, pretending that medical science and research have it all sowed up (even though people are sicker than ever), and clinging to false, dogmatic beliefs won’t change anything.  Christians are not immune to chronic illness.

The truth is, God gave us free will.  Some people have chosen to use their free will to harm others, and that’s not the victim’s fault!  Maybe it’s happened so that “the works of God might be displayed”.  Millions of people who’ve suffered for decades without answers have found the truth about health in the Medical Medium information and are sharing their healing testimonies, as I am doing now.  You can’t deny my testimony of healing anymore than you can deny my experience of being saved by Christ.  We can object, like my ancient religious Jewish relatives did, or we can accept that it came from God.  The truth will stand either way.  Eventually, we or someone we love may even need it ourselves.

I’m sorry to say, but as Christians, we can do better.  Telling people that their suffering is caused by their own sin is hardly walking in the path of Jesus.  We don’t want to be like the people of Jesus’s time who deny the workings of God right in front of our own faces.

I pray that people suffering with chronic illness find the truth about health.  I pray that they have the openness of mind and heart to see it when they do.

If you’re someone who is suffering, I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to go through.  I’m sorry that you’ve been blamed by others who don’t understand.  Know that it’s not your fault, there are real answers, and that healing is possible.  You deserve abundant health and happiness!  It is your God-given right to have the freedom to heal.  God bless you.

” For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Mental Illness is Not Mental.

People who’ve suffered from mental illness have had a difficult, uphill battle.  We’ve had to fight to be taken seriously, to convince people that the illness is real, for it not to be blamed on us, to not be stigmatized, and for people to accept if we need to be on medication.  We’ve had to fight for our very survival.  I get it.  I’ve been there.  It’s a terrible thing for people to be blamed for their suffering, whether it’s blamed on our genes, or our character.

A couple of years ago I was at a conference and I stood up and shared my story that I had healed from schizoaffective disorder and had been medication free for 5 years at that point.  I explained how I had done it with natural means, first with homeopathy, and then fully with the Medical Medium information.  The crowd applauded and seemed to be supportive of my story.  When I sat down another person stood up and seemed upset.  She said she struggled with depression and defended how she had to be on medication.

While I felt a little hurt, I understood where she was coming from.  Believe it or not, I felt compassion for her, and was supportive of her sharing her story, because I know how hard it is.  In many ways we have had it harder than people with more “visible” chronic illnesses.  Even people with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, or other “non-visible” illnesses have had to fight to be taken seriously.  It’s really sad.

So when I say, “mental illness is not mental”, please don’t be upset with me.  I’ve been through it, and I’ve been in the trenches fighting with you.  But what if there is a real, root physical cause for mental illness that has not yet been discovered by research and science?  What if it’s not you, and it’s not your genes?  Wouldn’t you want to know that?

I feel that I’ve been set free, that the heavy metal chains around my mind have been taken off.  I feel validated for all that I’ve been through.  Healing is possible, and I have to tell you that.  It doesn’t mean that the road still won’t be hard.  I still face many challenges, because life is challenging here, but I’m facing them as a whole person, mentally clear, without an illness.  I am free to be me.

I wish you the very best on your healing journey!  Keep fighting the good fight because there are real answers, and things do get better.  Healing is possible!

God bless you!

“fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)

Have Compassion for Yourself…

As Easter approaches it’s important to remember its significance, especially during these trying times.  As someone with a history of mental illness, I feel both prepared for these challenges (I’ve been through far worse for far longer), but also a little afraid (of the isolation, loneliness, etc.).  Even though I’ve done tremendous work to grow over many years, my old, dysfunctional patterns still seem to be there inside, though faded.

I have to remind myself that I have developed new habits and routines for staying healthy.  I am not the same person that I was before.  I’m stronger, more experienced, and like tempered metal, better able to weather any storms.  Moreover, I have learned a deep faith in God that feels stronger than I am.  I can surrender to it.  I know that when I fail, as I do regularly, that I am still loved.

In these moments, I have to try to have compassion for myself.  I’d love to feed into self-loathing, and self-pity, but I know it serves no purpose.  I have to remind myself of the hardships I’ve been through, my innocence that has been stolen, and the enormous challenges that we face in our society today.  I’ve accepted that I fail no matter how hard I try, and that God knows this and loves me anyway.

When I fail, it’s a reminder to me of God’s love for me, through Jesus, and of my reliance on Him.  I’m not able to make it on my own.  I’m powerless against sin and death.  When Jesus died on the cross He buried my sins, and with His resurrection He gave me new life, a new beginning.  He did what I cannot.  Knowing this gives me peace, because when I fall short, it reminds me to turn to Jesus.  My own shortcomings can help to deepen my love for God, when I have compassion for myself.

I hope this Easter weekend you know that no matter what, you are loved beyond imagination.  God bless you!