Protect your brain before it’s too late…

Every day we are being exposed to new chemical toxins and toxic heavy metals. They are in our food, water, air, air fresheners, body care products, and scented candles. They get deep into our organs and brain tissue. They cause symptoms such as depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, brain fog, insomnia, mania, bipolar, and even psychosis. The medical industries deem these symptoms “mental” because they don’t have answers, and because we get much of these metals from the industries. It is original Medical Medium information that these symptoms are actually neurological, and that toxic heavy metals cause symptoms in the first place.

When the Brain Saver books were released in October 2022, it was a monumental and historic event in history. These books are health bibles that detail what goes wrong with our brains, and what to do about it. In a time when society is getting sicker than ever before, these medical textbooks provide detailed information about how to heal and face the challenges that we’re up against. For people struggling with symptoms blamed on “mental illness”, these books are a roadmap back to freedom, out of the depths of despair, back to your soul and your self. They are your golden ticket.

It’s amazing what can happen when you follow true principles. When you’re following a protocol because the source actually knows what caused the symptoms to begin with, rather than some guy just making it up. The information in these books is not man-made, it comes from above, and that’s why it works. The Medical Medium information has a track record over decades of healing people from the most varied and severe illnesses. It’s the only health information that does. It’s this information that I have used over 9 years to pull myself out of so-called “mental illness”, by addressing the real physical causes, rebuilding my life on true principles.

So, when you apply the protocols in this book, you can know you are not playing a guessing game, like all the health trends out there. You can know, that every day you implement the tools you are getting a little closer to health, fulfillment, and freedom. You can know that it’s only a matter of time. You did not create your illness, it’s not your fault, and it’s not your mind doing it. Your genes are not to blame, and neither are you. There are real answer for symptoms, and they are in these books, Brain Saver, and Brain Saver Protocols.

If I did it, so can you. You have what it takes!

Happy Healing,


I believe in you, and I know you can heal.” – Anthony William, the Medical Medium