Protect your brain before it’s too late…

Every day we are being exposed to new chemical toxins and toxic heavy metals. They are in our food, water, air, air fresheners, body care products, and scented candles. They get deep into our organs and brain tissue. They cause symptoms such as depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, brain fog, insomnia, mania, bipolar, and even psychosis. The medical industries deem these symptoms “mental” because they don’t have answers, and because we get much of these metals from the industries. It is original Medical Medium information that these symptoms are actually neurological, and that toxic heavy metals cause symptoms in the first place.

When the Brain Saver books were released in October 2022, it was a monumental and historic event in history. These books are health bibles that detail what goes wrong with our brains, and what to do about it. In a time when society is getting sicker than ever before, these medical textbooks provide detailed information about how to heal and face the challenges that we’re up against. For people struggling with symptoms blamed on “mental illness”, these books are a roadmap back to freedom, out of the depths of despair, back to your soul and your self. They are your golden ticket.

It’s amazing what can happen when you follow true principles. When you’re following a protocol because the source actually knows what caused the symptoms to begin with, rather than some guy just making it up. The information in these books is not man-made, it comes from above, and that’s why it works. The Medical Medium information has a track record over decades of healing people from the most varied and severe illnesses. It’s the only health information that does. It’s this information that I have used over 9 years to pull myself out of so-called “mental illness”, by addressing the real physical causes, rebuilding my life on true principles.

So, when you apply the protocols in this book, you can know you are not playing a guessing game, like all the health trends out there. You can know, that every day you implement the tools you are getting a little closer to health, fulfillment, and freedom. You can know that it’s only a matter of time. You did not create your illness, it’s not your fault, and it’s not your mind doing it. Your genes are not to blame, and neither are you. There are real answer for symptoms, and they are in these books, Brain Saver, and Brain Saver Protocols.

If I did it, so can you. You have what it takes!

Happy Healing,


I believe in you, and I know you can heal.” – Anthony William, the Medical Medium

My New YouTube Channel


Here’s a quick update to let you know about my new YouTube channel that I’m doing for fun!  Here it is:

Since healing, learning the true cause of my illness, and having the time to reflect on it and all the heartache that I’ve been through, I have to tell you that I’m a little pissed off.  I’m pissed at the industries for seeking profit at the expense of human life, and for putting the industrial toxins into our environments and bodies in the first place.  I’m pissed at the people who are invested in the profit-driven information and aren’t brave enough to seek the truth.  I’m pissed that I don’t have the reach or the finesse to touch everyone who is suffering and take them by the hand and give them this life-saving information, and show them that they can heal too.

The truth is that I have fully healed from schizoaffective disorder.  My grandmother had schizophrenia, and I can tell you that it’s NOT genetic.  It’s caused by heavy metals and other industrial toxins in our brains and livers, such as DDT, which can be inherited and passed down the family line at conception and in the womb.  The heads of industries tell us that it’s genetic because it keeps us sick, dependent on medication, and it gives them more funding for studying genes.  The people who work in the industries, and the doctors, don’t know better.  They mean well, but they just believe what they’ve been taught.  They are victims of the profit-driven system as much as we are.

You can learn more about some of the effects of these toxins, and how to clean them out of your body in the new Medical Medium book Liver Rescue, available here:I have fully healed and so can you!  You don’t have to suffer like I did.  You don’t have to lose ten years of your life like I did.

Are you having your straight celery juice on an empty stomach every morning to help ground and rebuild your neurotransmitter chemicals?  Are you doing the heavy metal detox smoothie every morning to gently and safely pull the toxins out of your body?

I understand that finances and other life stressors can make it difficult.  We’ve got to do whatever we can with the resources that we have.  Every little bit helps.  Just take one step at a time, do a little bit every day, and keep moving forward.  I’m doing it with you, and I believe in you.

Here’s one of my new videos for you to check out:

God bless you!

5 Years Healed Today!!!

Today marks five years that I have been medication free, since June of 2013.  That’s about half as long as I was sick.  My life has continued to improve, and I am looking forward to the next five years and beyond!

The reason that I consider being medication-free healed is because mental illness is an illness of lack of functioning.  Being able to function without medication to me means that I am free from the illness.  (Note:  I measure the time that I have been healing from when I stopped taking medication, because that was very important to me, and I felt terrible on meds.  I do not mean to imply that that is the only measure of healing.  If another person is on medication and functioning and moving forward and living a good life, then I would consider that healing as well.)

Though the past five years has been a bit bumpy, and I have had some symptoms and had a minor relapse in the summer of 2016, it did not require me to be hospitalized or go back on medication.  Since then, my health has still been improving, and I am happier and more fulfilled in my life than I have ever been.

Below are some before, during, and after pictures (the first two were in my book Healing Schizoaffective, available here, in black-and-white).  It’s been a long road, and a steep climb, but it has been more than worth it.

– Joshua

p.s. you may want to read my book Healing Schizoaffective, available here, for a general overview.  It includes my story up until I discovered the Medical Medium, but there were many steps and transitions along the way.  Like the saying goes, “the path to enlightenment is like a bird flying; it leaves no footprints”.  I have tried to include as much helpful information on this website as possible, but everyone’s journey is unique.  However, I believe that each of us is uniquely suited to our own journey.  In other words, just know that you have what it takes, and where you fall short God is carrying you (even if it doesn’t seem like it).  Be well!!!


Joshua Before Middle After

LEFT: this is me in December of 2003 the day before my first inpatient hospitalization and diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder. I look pale and gaunt and am obviously distressed. 😥 While I’m doing my best to hold it together, you don’t want to know what I was experiencing (think Stanley Kubrick film). Despite it being called a “mental illness”, I was still experiencing many physical symptoms such as severe fatigue, weakness, weight-loss, aches and pains, attention problems, neurological sensitivity, insomnia, and more.

MIDDLE: this is me in November of 2014 after a ten year battle with the illness. I started homeopathy in January of 2013 and was able to discontinue taking medication in June of 2013. The homeopathy allowed me to stay balanced enough and function without medication. However, I still struggled with fatigue and physical pain, and you can see that my eyes look dark and dull and my face looks puffy.

RIGHT: this is me in September of 2017 about two and a half years after being on the #medicalmedium protocol, such as removing dairy, eggs, gluten, corn, soy, and canola from my diet, juicing celery every morning, taking the heavy metal detox smoothie (wild blueberries, #vimergy barleygrass juice powder and spirulina, Atlantic dulse, and fresh cilantro) regularly, and taking some of the main supplements such as liquid B12, Vitamin C, etc. I feel like this protocol really worked at healing the root cause of my illness (a viral condition with high levels of toxic heavy metals – I also believe that other factors such as trauma played a role). You can see that my eyes look clear and bright and my skin looks fabulous (if I do say so myself 😄). Moreover, I feel healthier and happier than I ever have in my whole life!!! ❤️

Don’t ever give up, keep the faith, just take one day at a time, and have compassion for yourself.  Compassion is the understanding of suffering, and an illness can give us this understanding, and teach us valuable lessons.  In a sense, our suffering turns into our gift, because it allows us to have compassion for others, which helps to heal the world.  God bless you!


Why Mental Illness is a Mystery Illness

When most people hear the name of a diagnosis for a mental illness, they think that the illness is a thing, that exists, in and of itself.  In reality, the label is just that, a “label”, for a specific set of symptoms.  It is more like a pointer or a signpost, than the thing that is being pointed to.  What is actually causing the illness, the “root” of what is making people sick (which I consider to be more the illness than the symptoms) is unknown.  That’s right, it’s absolutely unknown by medical science.  Mental illness is a mystery illness!!!

The trouble with this is, many people tend to think that science has it all figured out.  This can narrow people’s thinking and cause them to limit their options.  For example, if conventional science says that someone with schizoaffective disorder needs to be on medication for life, the person may resign to this “fact” and stop looking for ways to heal.  Or worse yet, they may just become resigned in their life.  But how can science tell someone that they have a life sentence without even knowing what’s causing the problem?

What if the psychosis is being caused by heavy metal accumulation in the brain?  And if so, what if there’s a way to safely remove it?  (See my blog post “Got Heavy Metals On The Brain?” for more information.)  What if the fatigue and low energy that are the symptoms of depression are being caused by viruses depressing the nervous system?  If so, what if there’s a natural way to combat the viral infection?  If we assume that science “has it in the bag”, then we may never seek out alternative options.  We may consider it “case closed” and accept unnecessary suffering for ourselves and our loved ones.

If doctors and practitioners aren’t honest with themselves and don’t acknowledge that mental illnesses are really mystery illnesses, then they may unknowingly be violating their Hippocratic oath and causing unneeded harm and suffering to their patients.  Unfortunately, I feel that I have been on the receiving end of much unnecessary pain and suffering.  I’m not blaming the practitioners, as I know that they really care and are doing their best to help their patients.  However, I think that we all have a responsibility to grow outside of our comfort zones and to seek the truth, especially when people’s lives are at stake.  Aside from profit playing a huge role in the health industry, I think it has a large part to do with the human ego, that part of us that wants to be right and wants to cling to our beliefs.

A perfect example of this is the resistance to homeopathy by the mainstream scientific orthodoxy.  There is in fact scientific evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy, as I explain in my blog post Homeopathy Was the Answer to My Prayers.  However, many people who consider themselves science-based will immediately reject homeopathy as a valid form of treatment.  This is not based in science, but rather based in a learned belief system and an unwillingness to think outside of that belief system (which is really not science).

Ultimately, we each must take responsibility for our own health.  Each of us must seek the truth and take responsibility for our choices, and it would be kind if we could respect other peoples’ free will to make their own choices.  I know that humanity will evolve towards truth, because I know that love always wins.  Love dissolves hate, while at the same time expanding in love.  It is the strongest force in the universe, and eventually all ego will yield to love, and all untruth will yield to truth.  God bless you!!!


3 Years Healed Today!!!!!

3 years healed

Today marks three years that I have been healed from Schizoaffective disorder!!!!  With the help of my doctor, I weaned off my medication for the last time in June of 2013, and have maintained my health all of this time with the help of homeopathy.  I have been symptom and side-effect free, I am loving life, and I am the healthiest I have ever been!

It is fitting that I am celebrating my freedom from mental illness this Independence Day weekend!  Find out how I did it in my new book, Healing Schizoaffective!!!

I could not have done this without the support and love of so many people.  I am so grateful for my family and friends, and the many mental health professionals who helped me along the way.  I am building this site and promoting my book in order to help others who are suffering in the same way that I did.  With Love, Joshua